
Tak, aka Sister Kitty, is a stuffed animal i got when i was 2 years old. her birthday is the same as mine, but two years younger.
when i got her, my sister hadn't been born yet. i really wanted a sister. so, i named her Sister Kitty. her nickname is Tak so that when someone asks what her name is and i don't feel like explaining the backstory behind her name being Sister Kitty, i can say Tak because it's cat spelled backwards (except i use a K instead to match Tak from Invader Zim)!
Tak uses any pronouns just like me because i project onto them a lot- after all, they are my best friend who i've had since i was a baby.
they also have autism and adhd like me because, again, projecting. i like to imagine my favorite comfort item and best friend dealing with similar things as me.
i also project my emotions onto them a lot. when i'm mad, they're mad. when i'm happy, they're happy. when i'm sad, they're sad.
i take them almost everywhere i go. having such a strong comfort item with me places is really really nice.
they've been with me through so many important life situations. like they travel with me every time i go out of state. they saw the fnaf movie with me. they were there when i confessed my love to my gf and also when we first got together. Tak knows about everything.
again, i project myself onto them a lot. their personality is basically just me if i was a stuffed animal. we have all the same interests, hobbies, and opinions. we even have the same favorite aesthetics and music taste. basically if you wanna get to know them (or at least the way i see them in my mind) just get to know me and you pretty much know them too.
they have their own diary they write in (it's totally them writing it and not me)
the reason they're missing an ear is bc my dog chewed it off when i was really little. i cried until my mom sewed it back up.